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Initial ideas

Initially i had the idea to do a horror film which also uses old Hollywood glamour. The idea was a horror movie actress becomes desensitized to gore and murder and becomes fascinated with real crime and murder whilst also spiralling down a drug infested path. She eventually becomes so obsessed with murder and becomes obsessed with the idea of committing a murder she goes on a killing spree, I had the idea to have a graphical match cut of her raising an award and knife. I feel this would be an interesting narrative and could do interesting stuff with cinematography but there isn't substance behind it and a reason for it.

Another idea I had was inspired by the OJ Simpson trial and the medias treatment of prosecutor Marcia Clarke. I really enjoy films where Genders are swapped and when men and womens roles are switched because I always feel they really do showcase the misogyny in society. I also feel women are still only viewed for how they look and what they wear despite their many other accomplishments. I want to use the OJ Simpson trial and Marcia Clarke because even though it was the biggest televised trial in history the media and people in court only cared about Marcia's appearance even though she had such a large task at hand trying to prosecute OJ Simpson. I'm not going to focus on the actual trial and crime because that is not what is important and isn't what I am trying to portray. I want to use actual footage from the trial to remind people that this really id happen and Marcia was put through all this on an international platform.


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