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Showing posts from May, 2020

Initial ideas

Initially i had the idea to do a horror film which also uses old Hollywood glamour. The idea was a horror movie actress becomes desensitized to gore and murder and becomes fascinated with real crime and murder whilst also spiralling down a drug infested path. She eventually becomes so obsessed with murder and becomes obsessed with the idea of committing a murder she goes on a killing spree, I had the idea to have a graphical match cut of her raising an award and knife. I feel this would be an interesting narrative and could do interesting stuff with cinematography but there isn't substance behind it and a reason for it. Another idea I had was inspired by the OJ Simpson trial and the medias treatment of prosecutor Marcia Clarke. I really enjoy films where Genders are swapped and when men and womens roles are switched because I always feel they really do showcase the misogyny in society. I also feel women are still only viewed for how they look and what they wear despite their many...

Short film analysis 2 Connect

This short film follows a woman on a bus at night in a busy city. The film uses eyeline matches to establish relationships between the man and the woman as the nature of their exchanged looks gives us a sense of a flirtatious relationship. When the elderly woman is shot for the bus seat by another passenger it shows that in society we always go the extreme. There is a shot of the woman we are following and the man from before' s hands, they obey the rule of thirds at first staying on other sides of the screen and not using the middle third. However they invade the central third but are separated by people getting off the bus, this could be representative of society impacts our relationships and comes between thigs we maybe are destined for. The synchronized movements at the end are also a testament to how society conditions people to be the same and just be part of a machine and crushes any individuality.