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How far does winters bone rely upon an understanding of social context? refer in detail to at least 1 sequence of the film?

How far does winters bone rely upon an understanding of social context? refer in detail to at least 1 sequence of the film?

The sequence opens with the character Ree walking through a yard with a mountain bike and dressed in 'manly' clothes with her hair hidden by a beanie. This is to be representative of the patriarchal society and idea that men in the society we're being presented are superior. She is met by a woman and this showcases how women are made to do all the work instead of the men, which is shown many times throughout the entirety of the film. All of the shots on the women throughout the sequence are either taken from above, and this is done to show that men feel they are above women in this society. This is something that a passive viewer would ignore as it is implied and not obvious to someone watching without context.
With the house being messy showcases how not all women fit into the 'wife' role who clean up after men but are forced into that role, like teardrop's wife does not. When Teardrop enters it's from a low angle showing his superiority in this society to women, however he sits down opposite Ree an they are on the same level, he's literally brought himself down to her level which is arguably how men feel on this society when they're not ordering women around. This is something a passive viewer would ignore and would most likely just take an oppositional reading to the character of teardrop, especially when he is inferred as abusive.

Throughout the scene the camera is handle and quite shaky which showcases how women are meant to fear men, but Ree doesn't. Granick shows how women should stand up to men who see themselves as more powerful and take things into our own hands. The character of Ree juxtaposes herself, she is meant to show viewers to be strong not rely on men or their orders, however she is searching for her father whom she needs to keep her house.

In Granicks films she likes to be very subtle with her message, so a passive viewer would watch a film like Winters Bone and not understand what is the point of what they are watching. If a passive viewer without social context were to watch the sequence addressed in this essay they would simply see an uncle disregarding his own family and being abusive. However if someone who understood Granicks point and the context of Winters Bone they'd see that in he kind of society we are watching it's the norm totter women the way tear drop does. I feel as though Granick is displaying how toxic masculinity is dangerous through the character of teardrop, causing an alignment with some male viewers and showing how men are trying to dominate women. Toxic masculinity and men feeling superior to women is shown through the entirety of the film, with men being in positions of power and ordering women around at various points, but women doing all of the actual work.


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