Screenplay Fade in POV person 1 walking down a pavement everything from their perspective is warmer and this is to show how they are in a good mental state, person 2 in background but natural amount. Person 1 walks into college and meets a friend before walking to class, having a general chat friend1: you alright mate person 1: yeah mate you alright friend 1: i actually can't be arsed for film person 1: i know mate same In class person 1 is talking to a friend about a party they attended and it is inferred that person 2 'ruined' the party. Person 2 storms out of the room and breaks a pencil in half Friend 2: Anger issues On their way home person 1 sees person 2 about to jump in front of a train, they run to them and stop them. We revert to the start of the film but it is a lot colder to show their mental state, where person 2 is walking to college with person1 in the background. They follow person 1 into college, and meeting their friend friend1: you ...