Short film analysis – About a girl This short film depicts the life of a young girl from a deprived area in the north of England, for the majority she depicts a chaotic but not uncommon life for most people of that social standing for the majority of the film however it turns very dark very quickly with the mentioning of the dog bein killed and the baby thrown into the canal. The jump cuts used continually used throughout increased the pace, the use of the handheld tracking shots which are a social realism convention made what she was talking about real. Throughout the song ‘stronger’ by Brittany Spears is used as a motif, originally I believed it was to showcase how this girl wants to escape her situation but this changed at the end of the film. The shock factor of the baby and the dog was effective as it creeps out the audience because it’s so out of place in regards to what is being said by this little girl who’s just recounting her life. The mise-en-scene of the de...